Platform Accessibility: Our Responsibility to Make Sure the Tools We Create Enable Accessibility

When a platform improves in accessibility, the improvement trickles down to millions of websites built using it. However, when a platform introduces an accessibility issue, the effect on the one in five people who live with disabilities can be devastating.

As creators of themes, plugins, and code that will be used by millions of people, you have a responsibility to ensure that accessibility is baked into everything you do. In this talk, Sam Proulx, the accessibility evangelist at Fable and a blind screen reader user himself, will share some of the most important things you can do to ensure the tools you create help, rather than harm, accessibility.

Based on his own lived experience, plus Fable’s over 5000 hours of research and testing with assistive technology users, Sam will help you come to grips with how the tools you make affect the accessibility of the content people create, where they often go wrong, and how they can be made better.
